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Auto Repair Services

Kwik Kar at Craig Ranch McKinney

Auto Repair Services: We take pride in getting you back on the road!

In today’s world we rely on our vehicles to get us where we need to go, when we need to go somewhere. When our vehicle breaks down on us, it causes a lot of frustration, whether something’s just worn out over time or suddenly breaks. We strive to provide our customers with comprehensive information as to why a repair is needed, how the auto part has failed, and what measures can be taken to care for the replacement part and avoid failure in the future. We also do our best to get you back on the road as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Some of our auto repair services are listed below, if you do not see your problem listed, that’s ok! Give us a call and we’ll let you know if we can take care of it!

KWIK KAR Automotive Service Craig Ranch McKinney

Cooling System / Overheating

Restore the performance of your engine cooling system. If you are experiencing issues, and are not sure what is wrong, Kwik Kar offers a Comprehensive Cooling System Evaluation for an everyday low price.


Kwik Kar Brake Service Packages takes best in class to the next level. With so many packages to choose from and quality service you can rely on, trust Kwik Kar to get you there.

Steering & Suspension

At 50+ mph, your safety could be at risk with worn steering components.  Kwik Kar can restore it to peak performance.

Belts & Hoses

Belts and hoses perform basic functions that keep some very complex systems performing optimally. With our radiator hose and timing belt replacement services, you can keep rolling with confidence.

Diagnostics & System

Get the answers you need by professionals you can trust. Kwik Kar offers complete and comprehensive engine diagnostics and system evaluations for you vehicle.

Air Conditioning

AC is NOT a DIY project. Proper repairs require extensive training and knowledge. Kwik Kar can restore the comfort to your hot car! Bring it in today.

The KWIK KAR Advantage

Kwik Kar automotive centers are not franchises. Instead, all KWIK KAR locations are independent, locally owned businesses. By combining the speediness of a Kwik Lube with a full service repair facility, we can meet all of your automotive maintenance and repair needs.

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Kwik Kar at Craig Ranch McKinney
8900 Stacy Road
McKinney, TX


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